Saturday, December 13, 2008

The tree is up...

Christmas Tree and has stayed up so far, although it is a wee bit crooked.

I wasn't allowed to add any tinsel though.  Apparently when I start to put tinsel on the tree I get a bit overexcited, so the wife tells me, and she has subsequently banned me from using tinsel not just on the tree but within a radius of 6ft from the tree.

That leaves me the kitchen and the bathroom ...

I am detecting that the anti-tinsel feeling is not just limited to my wife!  There's a lot of negative attitude about which I don't understand.  Surely all it's trying to do is make the tree look like it has a bit of snow!

Anyway, not going to get all "Scroogey" about it, the tree is up and the endless cycle of John Rutter CD's begins.

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