Just a quick update. We had a meeting last night with CMS which was part of a process for getting to know them, and them us.
Very interesting and challenging conversation, with a number of thoughts that were raised. Some questions triggered the need for some more careful thought and action, on our part, and one of the things that was mentioned was how we bring people on the journey of mission with us.
Anyway, we started using this blog when we were in Namibia (successfully or unsuccessfully; that remains to be seen) and it is an interesting and useful way of letting people know what we were doing (and even see some of the things we up to) and keeping people informed.
Now that we are trying again to make sense of the journey we are on and thinking about what we will be doing next (and where), I thought it might be time to resurrect the old blog and try to start the broader update process.
I make no guarantees. The posting here was sporadic and fairly random, but I will try and use it as a means of sharing some thoughts and updates in our ongoing process.
More thoughts anon.